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Discover Dogs

Do you have some lovely photos of your cavalier oldies? they would look great on our stand please send them to:


Jane Price:

400 Yatesbury Avenue

Castle Vale


B35 6LA


You can also contact Jane at:


0121 748 6808

Every year the Midland club have the honour of representing the breed on the Discover Dogs stand at Crufts in March. The event is manned by willing members of the Midland Club.

It is a fantastic opportunity for us to show the general public and potential cavalier owners how loving, gentle and beautiful our breed is and gives them the chance to get close to the dogs and ask any questions they may have.

Here are some photos from our Discover Dogs stand for 2020


Below are photos taken of our stand at Discover Dogs 2014, which featured the splendid art work by Eleanor Mancey. The cavalier stand was awarded best stand in 2014, which was a huge honour.

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